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AATCC TM 30: Antifungal Activity, Assessment on Textile Materials: Mildew and Rot Resistance of Textiles

Purpose and Goals

  • Evaluate and compare the antifungal activity of textiles in laboratory-controlled testing. 


  • This testing will be performed per the International Antimicrobial Council’s modification to the American Association of Textile Chemists and Colorists’ Standard Test AATCC TM30-IV
  • Sections (dimensions to be determined) of the test material will be inoculated with a liquid fungal suspension. The inoculated sections will be incubated inside sterile Petri dishes for the specified time-point in a humidified chamber. After incubation, the fungal growth on each section will be assessed as a percentage of the material’s surface area.
  • Each test will include only one fungal strain — Aspergillus niger, a black fungus.
  • The inoculum solution for this test will include nutrient broth — Sabouraud Dextrose broth — and a wetting agent — Triton X-100 (0.05%).
  • Testing will include 24 total data points:
    • 2 materials: 1 test material and 1 in-house negative control.
      • Note: Please provide at least 1,500 cm2 of each material per time-point. 
    • 2 time-points: 0 and 48 hours.
    • 3 replicates sections of each test material at each test condition
    • 2 independent tests
  • Note: Optional GLP services are available for an additional 25% fee.

Data Analysis

  • In-house control results will be used to verify test validity. 
  • Data will be calculated to determine the percent fungal growth on each sample.

Typical Turn Around Time

  • 2-4 weeks following receipt of the test materials