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Aerobiology Specifications

ResInnova laboratories’ new Aerobiology Chamber is equipped to test a variety of devices that address indoor air quality and air disinfection. Designed to simulate a small room, and equipped with its own air handling unit, ResInnova laboratories’ Aerobiology chamber can closely imitate real life situations.

Chamber Size: 3.88m x 4.01 m x 2.44 m

Total Volume: 37.96 cubic meters

ResInnova Laboratories’ Aerobiology Chamber also features:

  • A 6 Jet Collision Nebulizer
  • 3 Glass High Velocity Impingers

To ensure accurate dispersal and recovery of microorganisms.

The Chamber also features an array of sensors to track room conditions over the course of a test.

  • Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs)
  • Air Quality Index
  • CO2 levels
  • Ozone
  • Temperature and Humidity
  • UV Intensity (between 220nm-280nm)

Learn more about the Aerobiology Chamber here, or contact us for more information.